Lightsaber prop - first prototype

In a recent post on Hackaday , I described my initial plans for a lightsaber prop. The final device should be able to generate the characteristic buzzing noise, play sound effects stored on a flash chip, and respond to motion. In this article, I will explain the technical details of the first prototype. Overview As I described in the Hackaday aticle, my plan was to use an ATtiny85 to generate the audio and write to the DAC and use an Arduino Nano to read from the accelerometer and control the lights. The buzzing sould consists of a loop of 833 one-byte samples that are stored in the program memory of the ATtiny. The sound effects are stored as WAV files on the flash chip. The Nano can then write to the ATtiny to control the amplitude of the buzzing or start playback. Thus, the ATtiny must therefore be able to read the buzz sample from program memory, multiply it by its amplitude, multiply the previous playback sample by its amplitude, mix the buzzing and the playback, write to the ...