Self-starting inverter

In this article, I will explain a circuit that can be used to automatically start an inverter when a load is connected to it and turn it off once the load is disconnected. This circuit works by biasing the output of the inverter with a low-current signal from the battery and waiting for a change in that signal. The circuit then uses a current transformer to monitor the current through the load. If there is no current in the load for a few seconds, the inverter is switched off. The inverter The inverter I am using is a modified square wave inverter. The voltage between the live and neutral terminals at the output looks like this: However, this diagram misses out on an important fact: the neutral of the output is not connected to the negative battery terminal. In fact, the modified square wave is generated by alternately switching the live and neutral terminals of the output to an internal high-voltage rail. As a result, both live and neutral are always positive relative to the nega...